The weather forecast for Saturday is for gusty winds in the early afternoon - in addition to the rain we were expecting for most of the day.
The farmers market has been cancelled. Some traders will be in the indoor market - this tends not to work out for me.
I am still baking - today and tomorrow - for people who have pre-ordered from me.
This will include sour dough breads, white, wholemeal and rye. Yeast breads including oat, lentil and pumpkin bread. Sweeter items will include gingerbread, panforte, and possibly mince pies, and there will be roasted vegetable tarts.
I have a request for some gluten free bread too.
If there is anything there you fancy - then just message me and I will add you to the list, for you to pick up from my home.
Preserves are also available.
Diana Smith