Stafford Farmers market is cancelled on Saturday.
The weather forecast for Saturday is for gusty winds in the early afternoon - in addition to the rain we were expecting for most of the...
Jam Today & Diana's breads
Stafford Farmers market is cancelled on Saturday.
Some of us are Rethinking Food !
Welcome to new subscribers
What's Cooking for Stone December Market - Saturday 5th
What's cooking - for 21st November
Learning the ropes! A message to my subscribers.
Saturday's market
Cooking for the season
Taste test - 100% wholemeal.
Time to rediscover bread?
What's cooking for the re-opening of Stafford Farmers market.
What makes a “good” farmers market?
Who can afford to eat well?
Whats in a carrot cake?
Farmers market - remote style.
Re-opening at the red lion.
Coming out of Lockdown,